Transforming Spaces into Powerhouses: Sustainable Solar Carports by ElectroCovers

Innovative solar carports transforming parking spaces into energy powerhouses, reducing costs and carbon footprints.

Who We Are

At ElectroCovers, we are passionate about revolutionizing the way we use and produce energy. Our specialty lies in the design and installation of carports equipped with state-of-the-art photovoltaic panels. Founded in 2010, ElectroCovers emerged from a vision to make better use of underutilized spaces, turning them into productive assets that generate clean, sustainable energy. Our commitment to innovation and excellence drove us through eight years of rigorous research and development. Today, we are proud to offer what we believe to be the most efficient and reliable solar carports on the market.


Our carports are not just structures; they are a testament to our dedication to sustainability and technological advancement. We understand the increasing importance of renewable energy and strive to provide solutions that help reduce carbon footprints and promote a greener future.

Models Available

We offer two main configurations for our carports:

Two-Legged Carports

Perfect for smaller installations. Offer robust support with minimal footprint. Ideal for residential use or small commercial setups. Example: A two-legged carport for two vehicles can produce over 7KW of power, which covers approximately two-thirds of the electricity consumption for a 1,000 sq. ft. home (around 100m²).

Four-Legged Carports

Suitable for larger installations requiring more stability and capacity. Perfect for commercial use or large residential complexes. Can accommodate up to 80 vehicles, depending on the model. Provide enhanced structural integrity and scalability.

Benefits of Our Solar Carports

Energy Efficiency

By utilizing solar power, our carports help reduce reliance on traditional energy sources, leading to significant savings on electricity bills.

Environmental Impact

Solar energy is a clean, renewable resource that reduces carbon emissions and helps combat climate change.

Space Utilization

Our carports turn otherwise unused parking spaces into productive areas that generate energy.

Increased Property Value

Installing a solar carport can increase the value of your property by providing both functional and environmental benefits.

Our International Presence

ElectroCovers is not just a local enterprise; we have a strong international presence with authorized dealers in multiple countries. Our global reach ensures that more people can benefit from our innovative solar solutions, contributing to a cleaner and greener planet.

Our dealers can be found in the following countries:

  • Switzerland: Our products are well-received in Switzerland, known for its commitment to sustainability and renewable energy.
  • France: With a growing demand for green energy solutions, our presence in France continues to expand.
  • Italy: Italy’s sunny climate makes it an ideal market for our solar carports, and our products are popular among both residential and commercial clients.
  • United States: As a leader in renewable energy adoption, the U.S. market is a key area for our operations, with dealers located in several states.
  • Luxembourg: Despite its small size, Luxembourg is making significant strides in green energy, and our carports are part of this movement.

Our Mission

Our primary motivation at ElectroCovers is to make the most of unexploited spaces to produce energy, thereby making electricity consumption more eco-friendly. By harnessing the power of the sun, we aim to reduce carbon footprints and promote sustainability on a global scale. Our mission is not only to provide high-quality solar carports but also to educate and inspire individuals and businesses to make greener choices.

We believe in the potential of solar energy to transform our energy landscape. As the world moves towards more sustainable practices, we are committed to being at the forefront of this change, offering solutions that are both innovative and practical.

Contact Us

Are you ready to transform your unused spaces into energy powerhouses? Whether you are looking to install a solar carport for your home or need a large-scale solution for a commercial property, ElectroCovers has the expertise and products to meet your needs.

Contact us today to learn more about our solar carport solutions and find the perfect model for your requirements.

Join us in our mission to create a more sustainable future. With ElectroCovers, you can contribute to a greener planet while enjoying the benefits of clean, renewable energy.

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